Frequently Asked Questions BC-ADM Initial Certification/Exam

BC-ADM Initial Certification/Examination

What are the requirements for BC-ADM certification?

License Requirements

  • Registered Nurse (includes NP, CNS)
  • Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
  • Pharmacist
  • PA
  • Physician
Practice Hour Requirements 500 clinical practice hours in advanced diabetes management. Hours must be earned within the 48 months prior to application and after licensure and advanced degree obtained.
Other Must have an advanced degree (master’s degree or higher in relevant field)

What qualifies as clinical practice hours?

Clinical practice hours are defined as skillfully managing complex patient needs and assists patients with therapeutic problemsolving. Within their discipline's scope of practice, healthcare professionals may adjust (and in some cases prescribe) medications, treat, and monitor acute and chronic complications and other comorbidities, counsel on lifestyle modifications, address psychosocial issues, and participate in research and mentoring.

A detailed list of activities that qualify for the practice hours is available in the BC-ADM Examination Handbook.

How do I document my hours?

You will be asked, on the application, to provide the institution, supervisor, start/end date and clinical practice hours for the hours you are reporting. Only candidates selected for audit will be asked to provide supporting documentation to verify the information provided in the application.

When is the BC-ADM exam offered?

There are two exam windows for the BC-ADM exam; twice yearly, in June and December of each year. Candidates are permitted one testing attempt per exam window.

What is the fee for the BC-ADM exam?

The application fee (standard rate) is $900 for the BC-ADM examination. For 2025, if you are a current ADCES member*, you can enjoy a reduced rate of $600 on the BC-ADM examination fee.

*CBDCE does offer discounted fees for individuals that are members of ADCES for 2025 for the BC-ADM examination; in order to be charged the ADCES membership rate for the BC-ADM initial exam and any retest fees, a candidate must be an active member of the ADCES at the time of the BC-ADM application and will be asked to enter their ADCES member ID as part of the initial application process. Becoming a member of ADCES after completing an initial application will not change membership status with regard to retest fees. Note that there are no discounted fees for the CDCES certification examination for individuals that are BC-ADM certified. 

How do I know if my application is approved?

Once approved, you will be sent an email along with information on your exam eligibility. Candidate eligibility will be valid for two consecutive testing windows.

Meazure Learning will send, via email, notification of eligibility to sit for the examination with directions on how to schedule a testing appointment through Meazure Learning’s online scheduling system.

What communications are sent for the BC-ADM initial certification application/exam?

Visit the BC-ADM Examination Handbook for a complete listing of the communications that will be sent to you concerning your BC-ADM application/exam. The communications will come from Meazure Learning.

How many questions are on the exam?

The BC-ADM exam consists of 175 questions given over a 3 ½ hour period. Twenty-five (25) of the questions are pre-test (unscored) items; 150 questions are scored items.

Where do I take the BC-ADM exam?

Candidates may choose to take the exam by either testing at a Meazure Testing Center or testing by Live Remote Online Proctoring (LRP). Candidates should thoroughly review the information on testing choices to determine which one is best for them.

Please visit Meazure Learnings website for the latest updates on test site closures and flexible scheduling options.

I would like to know more about the requirements to test via LRP for the BC-ADM exam?

It is the candidate responsibility to review the requirement and resources for LRP testing:

For more information and equipment requirements, read our support article.

How should I prepare for the exam?

Visit the BC-ADM Examination Handbook for information on preparing the exam.

One option available that you might find helpful is the BC-ADM practice exam. You can learn more here.

I passed! How do I let people know?

Make your BC-ADM achievement known! Download a press release for you or your organization to use in sharing your accomplishment with others! 

What if I do not pass the BC-ADM exam on the first try?

Candidates who do not pass the BC-ADM certification examination may retake the exam in the next consecutive testing window (second testing appointment to retake exam can only occur once per year). The examination retake fee is $340; discounted to $220 for ADCES members (for 2025).

Candidates not passing on a second consecutive try, will need to skip the next testing window as candidates may NOT take exam three times in a row over three (3) consecutive windows.

I was approved to sit for the BC-ADM exam but missed the scheduling deadline. What can I do?

Candidates that miss their first scheduling window, may schedule for the next window. The missed window is considered one of your two consecutive eligibility windows. (You will not be given a third window for your missed window.) If you miss your second window, you will need to complete a new application and pay the exam fee again.

Application First Testing Window Second Testing Window
Pay new candidate fee If do not pass, move to second window Pay retake fee. If do not pass again, must reapply as new applicant after another window has passed.
Pay new candidate fee If no show or opt to not take first window exam, move to second window If do not pass, must reapply as new applicant.



How do I apply for the BC-ADM exam?

The BC-ADM application is an online process. Beginning January 2025, click here to begin the BC-ADM application process.

What is the timeframe to apply for the BC-ADM exam?

You may apply throughout the year; however, the application MUST be completed at least 30 days PRIOR to the opening of the testing window. Late applications are accepted, but only up to 15 days prior to the opening of the testing window for an additional non-refundable fee of $50.

Testing Window Application Deadline Notes
June 1-30

May 1

Late: up to May 15 with additional $50 late fee
Includes the processing of the exam registration and one testing appointment. A second testing appointment in the next test window will incur retest fees.
December 1-31

November 1

Late: up to November 15 with addiitonal $50 late fee
Includes the processing of the exam registration and one testing appointment. A second testing appointment in the next test window will incur retest fees




When will I receive results from the BC-ADM exam?

Approximately six (6) to eight (8) weeks after the close of the testing window, candidates will be sent an email from Meazure Learning with instructions on how to access their results on Meazure Learning’s Score Report Portal. Candidates will be able to view and download their results from their Meazure Learning portal for one (1) year after their examination date. Examination results are not released by telephone, fax, or email.

What resources are available to study for the BC-ADM exam?

  • The number one resource for the BC-ADM exam is your practice level. Candidates who qualify to sit for the BC-ADM examination are managing a person with diabetes. Some examples include medication adjustment, MNT, exercise planning, counseling for behavior management, psychosocial issues, treatment and monitoring of acute and chronic complications, complex decision-making which expands the traditional discipline specific practice, research and mentoring.
  • CBDCE offers a practice exam for the BC-ADM. For a small fee, you can purchase the BC-ADM practice exam. It is an online exam consisting of 72 questions.
  • Study sheets. BC-ADM study sheets outline the topics and the number of questions for each topic on the exam for each domain. Use them to assess where your strengths and weaknesses are to prioritize your study time.


When do I renew my BC-ADM certification?

The BC-ADM certification is renewed every 5 years. You will need renew your BC-ADM certification by your certification expiration date. Refer to the BC-ADM Renewal Handbook for what is required to renew and the renewal process.

My contact information has changed. How can I update this?

You will need to contact Meazure Learning to update your contact information for your BC-ADM certification/application.

If you hold both a CDCES and BC-ADM certification, you’ll need to make 2 updates

  1. For your CDCES certification, you’ll update your contact information for your CDCES certification in your CDCES dashboard at
  2. For your BC-ADM application/certification, you’ll need to contact Meazure Learning


How do I get my BC-ADM exam related questions answered?

Meazure Learning offers assistance to BC-ADM candidates and can be reached by emailing or by calling 919.572.6880. If you have further questions, please email CBDCE at