CDCES Employer Information

Looking for information about CDCESs?

Thank you for supporting CDCES certification for your employees! Credentials help ensure that people with diabetes have access to knowledgeable and skilled health professionals.

News Release Samples

If a member of your team recently earned the CDCES or successfully completed renewal of their credential, encourage them to customize our news release. You can post it in your offices, send it to your media contacts or add to your company newsletter.

Find a CDCES

Ask your providers to use our CDCES Directory tool to provide people with diabetes an easy way to find a CDCES in their area. It promotes quality diabetes education, the CDCES community and the organizations that employ them.

Verify a Credential

Need to verify a current or potential employee’s CDCES credential? Use our CDCES self-service online verification tool.


Acknowledge the accomplishment of your employee with CDCES gear. Visit the CBDCE shop to order lapel pins, badge holders, totes, water bottles, and more. 

Certificate Frames

We offer beautiful wood frames with a special border for the CDCES certificate. To keep costs low CBDCE does not receive any profits from this product.

ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® Inclusion

The CDCES (and previous designation CDE) certification is included on the list of Accepted Professional Board Certifications in the Demographic Data Collection Tool (DDCT) of the ANCC  Magnet Recognition Program.