Become a CDCES Mentee
CDCES Become a Mentee
2024 Mentor Spotlight Award - Nominations closed June 1. Winner will be announced in July.

The CBDCE Mentorship Program was created to promote careers that will lead to a CDCES designation by providing candidates with the ability to accrue volunteer DCE hours.
optional program partners experienced Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists with health professionals who are interested in gaining experience in providing diabetes care and education (DCE). Being a mentee can play an important role in your path to certification. The program can help you accrue experience in order to meet the practice requirement to sit for the CDCES exam.
Your volunteer hours must be accrued within a maximum 5*-year period immediately before applying for certification.
*Note: Reflects change effective April 1, 2021 --To address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ability of health professionals pursuing the CDCES credential to accrue practice experience in diabetes care and education (DCE), the CBDCE Board of Directors has approved moving the temporary changes to the professional practice requirement relating to DCE for initial certification to permanent status. Learn more on what changed in our Pandemic Impact Certification Statement.
Mentee eligibility
You’re eligible to become a mentee if you meet CDCES discipline requirements for the standard pathway and agree to provide DCE volunteer hours under the guidance of your CBDCE Mentor.Your volunteer hours must be accrued within a maximum 5*-year period immediately before applying for certification.
*Note: Reflects change effective April 1, 2021 --To address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ability of health professionals pursuing the CDCES credential to accrue practice experience in diabetes care and education (DCE), the CBDCE Board of Directors has approved moving the temporary changes to the professional practice requirement relating to DCE for initial certification to permanent status. Learn more on what changed in our Pandemic Impact Certification Statement.
Are you currently in a partnership with a CBDCE Mentor - Mentor Spotlight Award? Nominations for the 2024 CBDCE Mentor Spotlight Award are now closed. Winner to be announced in July.

Don't need the CBDCE Mentorship Program?
Before you apply, look at your exam preparation options and learn about the exam.